- The mega luxury cruise ship Crystal Serenity is going to arrive in Nome on Sunday. Do you think big cruise ships are helping Nome's economy? - 37 votes - open
- What method do you use to put away berries? - 41 votes - open
- Now that the Democratic Convention is over, do you have a sense that the convention ended with a unified Democratic Party? - 34 votes - open
- Did the end of the Republican convention in Cleveland leave you with a sense of a united G.O.P.? - 36 votes - open
- Do you think the Criminal Justice Reform bill will help rural Alaska? - 17 votes - open
- Fish are running abundantly now. Do you get time off from work to catch and put away fish? - 34 votes - open
- Do you support the Governor's action to cap the PFD at $1,000 in efforts to balance the state budget? - 48 votes - open
- If the November elections were today, would you vote for Superior Court Judge Timothy Dooley of Nome to be retained? - 35 votes - open
- This is the second year that the Nome Midnight Sun Folk Fest, now Nome Salmonberry Jam Folk Fest, will occur at a different time than the Midnight Sun (summer solstice weekend) festivities. Are you in favor of or against this change? - 27 votes - open
- Do you believe the Iditarod Trail Committee Board of Directors made a good decision or a bad decision when they allowed mushers to carry two-way communication devices on the trail? - 55 votes - open
- In light of President Obama's order to replace the word Eskimo, what do you think is an appropriate substitute? - 64 votes - open
- School's out. What are you going to do this summer? - 36 votes - open
- Is the City of Nome communicating issues, meetings and open commission seats adequately to the public? - 18 votes - open
- Graduates: What are your plans after graduation? - 21 votes - open
- Have you completed your spring cleanup? - 26 votes - open