- Are you for or against extending DACA and giving Dreamers a path to citizenship? - 40 votes - open
- Do you agree with Congress continuing to grow the national debt? - 22 votes - open
- Do you think Norton Sound Health Corporation treasurer and board member Stan Andersen should regularly keep the Nome public informed about NSHC? - 35 votes - open
- Is your Christmas Tree still up? - 18 votes - open
- Do you believe the Alaska Legislature gets the task done to come up with a longterm fiscal plan in the regular session? - 23 votes - open
- Are you for or against building an industrial road to the Ambler Mining District? - 21 votes - open
- Do you agree with the Dept. of Interior's decision to open an Outer Continental Shelf lease sales program for Norton Sound, the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas? - 25 votes - open
- Are you going to commit to a New Year's Resolution? - 20 votes - open
- How do you plan to spend the Holidays? - 26 votes - open
- Do you think we should have a Solstice holiday? - 19 votes - open
- Are you offended by President Trump calling Senator Elizabeth Warren disparagingly Pocahontas? - 54 votes - open
- Did you partake in the Black Friday shopping frenzy? - 20 votes - open
- Do you support the idea to house and treat sex offenders at Seaside Center on Front Street? - 26 votes - open
- Do you believe you will profit from the proposed federal tax overhaul? - 30 votes - open
- Do you support the renewed effort to open up ANWR for oil drilling in the 1002 area? - 32 votes - open