- Do you support the Governor's veto of half the one-time education funding? - 31 votes - open
- How does the Internet outage affect you? - 20 votes - open
- Do you expect rising inconveniences with Alaska Airlines sending smaller planes to Nome in the morning? - 24 votes - open
- Were you aware that NOAA Fisheries had a public comment period for an Incidental Harassment Authorization for marine mammals during construction of the expanded port? - 14 votes - open
- Summer after Merbok: Have you received federal help to restore items destroyed by Merbok? - 8 votes - open
- Have you noticed that Amazon or remote sellers still charge 7% sales tax? - 19 votes - open
- Do you think the port expansion will benefit Nome and the region? - 34 votes - open
- Do you understand the process of how real property values are assessed? - 23 votes - open
- Do you enjoy the cold spring? - 34 votes - open
- In light of news of avian flu spreading will you still hunt and eat waterfowl this spring? - 29 votes - open
- Do you follow the budget process as the city is setting the FY2024 budget? - 12 votes - open
- Do you think increasing the musk ox hunt to 30 animals in 22C will help usher them out of town? - 29 votes - open
- Would you want to see a Look at the Past column in the Nugget? - 21 votes - open
- What is the most important state budget item in your opinion? - 26 votes - open
- Which part of Iditarod week did you enjoy most? - 12 votes - open