Nome Sweet Home

While Nomeites get a chance to have fun and games under the Midnight Sun, it seems the rest of the world has to duck and take shelter in the helter skelter of daily living.

The peace and tranquility of life in Nome is a fantastic happening. We have fun and games without the nastiness that accompanies many events that happen elsewhere. The horrors of mass shootings brings us to the point. We have rights. We also have responsibilities. We can own guns. But along with ownership comes responsibility. The U.S. Constitution does not rule out responsibility.

So, while we enjoy ice cream, water balloons, street dances and music let us take a hard look at the rights and responsibilities of being a US citizen. We live in a wonderful nation, but we can’t be held hostage to fear and hatred. —N.L.M.—

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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