Mildred M. Oyoumick “Iggalli”

Mildred M. Oyoumick “Iggalli”

July 7, 1935 ~ August 6, 2018

The following was written sometime between May and July 2013 by Mildred M. Oyoumick (Iggalli). She was 77-years-old at the time of this writing.

“I was born to Lena H. (Napouk) Paneok Enaruk Memminger and Leslie E. Paneok on July 7, 1935 at White Mountain (really at fish camp Mechuck), Alaska. I went to grade school at White Mountain and Nome (when Dad worked there) and then to Mt. Edgecumbe High from 10th to 12th grades at the age of 16 and 18 years, graduating as Valedictorian for my class in 1954. I met my husband in high school but we never were close friends until we met again in Kotzebue in late 1956. He proposed to me up there and we went to Unalakleet after his job was completed in December of that year. We were married on January 14, 1957 at Unalakleet.

I worked for the Federal Government, Public Health Service. Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service for a total of almost 25 years. Started as a clerk-typist, supply clerk, Inventory Management Specialist and retired as a Supervisory Distribution Specialist of the warehouse for what is now known as the Alaska Native Health Center in Anchorage. We supplied all the Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical needs to all the Native hospitals and clinics in Alaska after buying and storing them. It was a very satisfying job and I knew I was helping people get well from whatever illness they had. After retirement from the government, I continued to work for the private sector such as Picuniq Mgmt Corp., and Bering Strait School District for a short time after going to computer school.

I had three brothers and one sisters who have all passed away. Aaron H., Kenneth Ralph, Leslie Jr. and Norma. They each had children except Ralph, so I have numerous nieces/nephews, grand nieces/grand nephews in Sacramento, CA and Portland, OR, areas and Anchorage, AK.
My past times have been sewing my own clothes for a time, knitting socks/gloves, crocheting afghans, neck warmers, scarves, making beaver hats for my family and the list can go on. Crocheted tablecloths, dollies, etc. and I am also a devout Evangelical Christian.

Children are Leila A. Eakon (spouse) Ben Eakon Sr.,  Leslie A. Oyoumick, Merlin A. Jr., Kevin J. (deceased in 1997), Melvin L. and John T. From the children there are 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.”

Thank you to our family and friends near and far for your prayers, support, condolences; also to the Norton Sound Regional QCC staff, to Gary Eckenweiler for the cross and cover, Bering Air, Pastor Bob & Grace Okerson, and the community of Unalakleet. We apologize if we unintentionally missed or forgot anyone.



The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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