Joeseph Joey Charlie Edward Tocktoo
Joeseph Joey Charlie Edward Tocktoo was born on August 31, 2002 in Anchorage, Alaska. He was the fifth oldest child to Sophie and Thomas Tocktoo, Sr. Joey spent his childhood in Koyuk until 2012 when his family moved to Nome. He remained in Nome until August 31, 2020. On his 18th birthday, Joey left for Fort Jackson, South Carolina to attend the Army National Guard. After completing boot camp, he attended AIT at Fort Eustis, Virginia. Joey graduated AIT on July 1, 2021 making him a very proud soldier of the Alaska Army National Guard. Private First Class Tocktoo not only earned his Avionic Mechanic wings; shortly after, on July 4, 201 he gained his angel wings in Nome.
Joey was fondly known as “Sonnyboy” to his parents, Joebs to his girlfriend Celina and his best friends, and “spoiled princess fancy poodle” to his other mom Jill. Joey was known as Tocktoo to his army buddies; Matthew stated, “he was a great soldier, a great friend, and was a very funny person. Joey was quiet, but knew how to have fun. He was proud to be Alaskan, and proud to be in the army.”
Growing up in Koyuk, he loved going hunting, fishing and subsisting with his dad and brothers every chance they had. His dad Tom taught him to fix snow machines, Hondas and anything that brought him outside, which was his passion. But anyone who saw him knew there would be no stopping him until he completed his mission. He pursued his future goals with an unstoppable drive and focus.
When stubborn, Joey clenched his jaw and his eyes would blaze with fierce determination. Joey had his first job at the age of 14 and by the time he became a high school graduate, he gained experience as a laborer, fish processor and a mechanic. Joey was relentless in his pursuit to be his best self with exceptional work ethic. It did not matter if he was playing basketball, board games, or 2K, he was intensely competitive. Joebs had a natural aptitude for anything he could find. Entering adulthood, Joeseph enlisted to the Alaska National Guard before he even graduated from Nome-Beltz High School. Joey lived his eighteen years to the fullest, devouring every opportunity he was presented. He was bold, confident, fearless and always looked forward to an endless quest for new adventures.
Joey had a keen understanding of people. Sometimes he used his wit, sweetness or charm and other times he would flash an irresistible mischievous grin with a well-placed compliment and an earnest “please?”
He was very clever and he mastered getting his way with persistence. On the rare occasion these strategies failed, he would appear to concede gracefully only to do exactly as he pleased anyway, be it sneaking out a window, taking the car, or hiding mounds of contraband in the barracks. Despite his often intense, quiet, serious demeanor those who knew him best were treated to his delightful humor. He teased his siblings, smack talked his friends, pranked his battle buddies and playfully aggravated his moms.
All who met Joey admired his deep commitment and unwavering loyalty to his country, community, military comrades, girlfriend and friends but mostly his devotion to his family. He always carried himself with pride, dignity, sense of duty and a moral compass beyond his years. He was a leader, a gift and an inspiration to all who knew him. May we honor Joey’s life by embracing these qualities ourselves.
Joey is survived by his parents Thomas Sr. and Sophie Tocktoo, his siblings Clarissa (Ahmora), Autumn (Hazel, Tesla), Austin (Jasmine), Butch (Jazlyn), Madison, Cody, Wanda, Billy and Alex, his foster parent Jill Peters; grandparents Bert Tocktoo of Nome, and Myra and Merlin Henry of Koyuk. Joey leaves behind many aunties including his favorite Hannah Joe, uncles, cousins and family too numerous to name. Joey also leaves behind many friends from all walks of his life.
Joey is preceeded in death by his grandparents Blanche Day, Almira Mazonna and sister Caitlyn Tocktoo.