Nome Pool closed until late January
Nome’s swimming pool was supposed to open in September after an overhaul this summer, returning the pool back to a chorine system after the saltwater system eroded the pool equipment. Repeated disruptions in part shipments pushed the estimated opening to the later part of January, according to City Manager Glenn Steckman.
“The city’s decision years ago to convert to salt water basically ate away the equipment. This conversion should add at least another 20 years of life to the pool,” Steckman said.
The city is working with Bob Walker of Polar Pools. There are two parts halting progress on the project. One is the data control panel that will allow the city to manage the pool remotely, which is supposedly being shipped to Nome now, Steckman said. The other part is a piece of equipment that needs to be specially manufactured to fit the Nome pool.
Once all the parts arrive the equipment will be tested, and lifeguards will be recertified. If all goes well the community will be swimming by late January.