Nome man arrested on heroin charges

Alaska State Troopers arrested William Mathisen Jr. on May 18 on an outstanding arrest warrant for the sale of heroin in Nome.
The Nome Western Alaska Narcotics Team had been investigating Mathisen Jr. since last August, when they conducted two controlled ‘buys’ of heroin from him.
In March, Nome WANT requested and received an arrest warrant for Mathisen on charges of Misconduct Involving a Controlled substance in the third and fourth degrees involving heroin sales.
On May 18, Mathisen Jr., 35, was seen riding in a truck on Front Street and Alaska State Trooper units arrested Mathisen without incident, a trooper press release says.
Mathisen Jr. is charged with two counts of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, MICS for short, in the third degree, a Class C felony, and two counts of MICS in the fourth degree for possessing a controlled substance, a Class A misdemeanor.
Mathisen Jr. was remanded to Anvil Mountain Correctional Center. At an arraignment hearing on May 19 bail was set at $1,000. Bail was posted.
A representation hearing will be held May 25 in Magistrate Judge Robert Lewis’ courtroom.


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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