Consultants seek input from Nomeites on port development
A planning team for Nome’s port development will be in town this week.
In a series of public meetings, they will be seeking input from the community about their vision for Nome’s future as the port undergoes its planned expansion.
Last year, the City of Nome hired consultants to conduct two studies related to the Port of Nome’s transformation into the country’s first deep-draft Arctic port. One study will offer guidance on how the tariff rate should be updated. The other is focused on the strategic development of shoreside infrastructure.
“That can be not only port-related infrastructure and supporting business, but it can also mean community related infrastructure—restaurants and lodging, commercial community related operations,” said Joy Baker, project manager for the Port of Nome. “It's a broad spectrum.”
The consulting teams are going to facilitate two public meetings that start at 6:30 p.m. at Old St. Joe’s on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
The meetings will be an open-forum format with no formal agenda. But in its flyer for the event, the team included several questions they’re seeking input on, including: What are your economic goals for Nome? What role does the port play to meet those goals? What are the short- and long-term needs for the port and Nome’s waterfront? What new opportunities should Nome pursue due to changes in the Northwest Passage? What new waterfront facilities will help diversity Nome’s economy and make it a premier port?
That planning team will also meet with the Port Commission for a work session on Wednesday night at 5:30 p.m. That meeting is open to the public as well.
The tariff rate study is being undertaken by Northern Economics.
The strategic development study is being undertaken by PND, which has hired Northern Economics and another company called Corvus as subcontractors.