New Arrival: Kolton Blaze “Amiqsriwiinik” Evan
Thu, 09/15/2016 - 9:58pm
Katelynn Evan of Shaktoolik and Albert Lestenkof of Wasilla would proudly like to introduce their son Kolton Blaze “Amiqsriwiinik” Evan. He was born on July 27, 2016 at 4:37p.m. at the Norton Sound Regional Hospital in Nome. He weighed 7 lbs 8 ozs and was 21 3/4 inches in length. His big sister Shaylee Talyssa proudly welcomes him along with his maternal grandparents Saul Paniptchuk of Shaktoolik and Diana Evan of Nome; his paternal grandparents Paul Lestenkof Sr. and his wife Sharon; and Ruby Prokopiof and her husband Laurence.