
TOUR OF ANCHORAGE— Six members for the Nome Nordic ski club raced the Tour of Anchorage on Sunday, March 8. Left to right are Clara Hansen, Coach Keith Conger, Mallory Conger, Sarah Bahnke, Tobin Hobbs and Bethany Daniel.
Nome Nordic ski team racer Tobin Hobbs capped a weekend of big-city ski competition with a victory in the 25-kilometer (15.5-mile) division of the Tour of Anchorage on Sunday, March 8.       The...
Team 10 crossing the finish line in Big Lake.
The 2020 Iron Dog is done and now the changes in the race will be debated around campfires, Toyo stoves and shiny boardroom tables. The extra 375 miles of the Kotzebue loop, added to deliver the race...
K300 CHAMP— Pete Kaiser poses with his lead dogs under the Kuskokwim 300 finish line arch in Bethel after winning for the fifth time the prestigious mid-distance sled dog race on Sunday morning.
Pete Kaiser of Bethel reclaimed the Kuskokwim 300 Championship title last weekend when he beat 2019 champion Matt Failor by 47 minutes to the finish line on Sunday morning. Kaiser finished the 300-...
TWO MORE – Lady Nanook Brooke Anungazuk, center, gets two against Unalakleet Thursday in the Subway Showdown tournament.
Despite the raging snowstorm that hit Nome, a packed gym saw some great basketball at the 2020 Subway Showdown. Soldotna High boys and girls teams put on a show of talent and well-coached basketball...
MIX SIX— Ed Kokeok of Shishmaref goes up for a hit against Unalakleet in the second state qualifying match of the Mix Six Volleyball tournament held in Golovin.
The regional Western Conference Mix Six volleyball tournament was originally scheduled to be held in Savoonga, but due to a forecasted high wind warning on the day of travel, the tournament was moved...
Eleven schools from around Alaska brought their wrestling teams to Nome last weekend for the Nome Wrestling Invite, an annual tournament, which is an important date on the sport’s calendar. Action...
CHAMPIONS—The Nanook girl wrestlers took first place as a team. They are Kellie Miller, Della Medlin, Katie Smith, Georgia Ustaszewski,, Ava Earthman and Karis Evans.
Nome’s elementary school wrestlers traveled to Kotzebue for the annual Bush Brawl wrestling tournament and returned basking in glory. Last year they took top honors in the meet with 30 wrestlers,...
STATE XC CHAMPIONSHIPS— Nome Nanook Ava Earthman finished last Saturday’s State XC Championships in 45th place with a time of 24:20.2, at Bartlett High School in Anchorage.
BSSD runners beat personal records at State XC Championships By Brendan Ellis, BSSD Student Activities Director Strong winds from a fall storm blew through the region over the weekend, but the...
OPEN RACE—Nome hosted this year’s Regional XC Championships, held at Nome-Beltz on Saturday, Sept. 28. Here, Junior high runners, coaches and community members run in the open race which took place after the varsity teams finished the 5-kilometer course.
The Bethel boys and the Kotzebue girls will be representing Region 1 Western at next week’s Alaska State Cross Country Championships after taking the titles Saturday on the Nome-Beltz High School...
FAN CLUB— Fans of the Nanook Volleyball squad, lead by Andrew Hafner carrying the Nome-Beltz flag, cheer on the players during last weekend’s matches that pitched the Nanooks against the visiting  Kotzebue Huskies.
The young Nanook volleyball team met the Kotzebue Huskies in the Nome-Beltz gym Friday and Saturday and although the Huskies walked away victorious the less experienced Nanooks battled them all the...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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