
SUBWAY SHOWDOWN— The Nome Nanooks emerged victorious in the Subway Showdown Basketball event, held on January 6 through 8 in Nome.
By Peter Loewi The home teams won five of their combined six games at last week’s Subway Showdown Basketball Tournament, held in Nome. The Nanook boys were the tournament champions, winning all...
STATE WRESTLING CHAMPION— Natallie Tobuk of Nome brought home the state championship, being undefeated in the 125-lbs class.
By Diana Haecker Natallie Tobuk, a junior at Nome-Beltz High School, was one of five girl wrestlers with undefeated records to take the mat during the ASAA/FNBA Girls State Championships held in...
THIRD PLACE— Jon Smith won third place in the 500-yard freestyle race in last week's Regional's in Fairbanks.
By Kirsten Bey, NBHS Swim Coach Two Nanook swimmers competed in the Region VI Championships in Fairbanks last weekend: Sophomore Jon Smith, first year on the high school swim team but a longtime...
NANOOK FACEOFF— Nanook wrestlers Duke McGuffy and Paris Hebel face off for a match during last weekend’s Nome Invitational wrestling tournament held in the den of the mighty Nanooks.
By Colin McFarland Last weekend, the Nome Nanooks hosted a wrestling invitational tournament. Wrestlers came from Galena, Teller, Shaktoolik, Savoonga and Gambell to compete in what was a slightly...
WINNER—Son Erikson on his way to win Kotzebue XC event held last weekend, with Orson Hoogendorn in pursuit.
By Jeff Collins/Nanook XC Coach The pursuit of perfection. The definition of perfection is subjective but when it is coupled with a desired outcome, the definition of perfection becomes clear. In...
CHEER —Varsity Nanooks cheer in between the three sets of their Friday game against the Kotzebue Huskies
By Lizzy Hahn Last Friday, September 17 and Saturday, September 18, the Nome-Beltz High School hosted the Kotzebue volleyball team for two days of games. Kotzebue brought their junior varsity and...
Even though Carol Seppilu couldn't compete due to injuries sustained in the Mt. Marathon Run a week prior, she was there to cheer on runners.
By Diana Haecker About 30 runners from Teller and Nome took to the Bob Blodgett Nome-Teller highway on Sunday, for the first annual Nasqaghmii Run, named after Carol “Nasqaghmii” Seppilu of Nome....
CHAMPIONS—The Nanooks competed in the Northern Conference Wrestling Tournament in Kotzebue. Both the girls team and boys team won first place. Front (left to right): Natallie Tobuk, Claire Fry, Michael Marvin, Katie Smith, Georgie Ustaszewski, Della Medlin. Middle (left to right): Son Erikson, Tobin Hobbs, Karlin Ahwinona- Smith, Hayden Leeper. Back (left to right): Noah Hobbs, Stephan Anderson, Tristen Hobbs, Colin McFarland, Paris Hebel, Lucas Marvin.
By Lizzy Hahn On May 12, 2021, the Nome-Beltz High School Wrestling team consisting of 16 Nanook wrestlers traveled to Kotzebue to compete in the Northern Conference Wrestling Tournament. Both the...
OFF AND RUNNING—Nome Nordic elementary ski coach Leonard Lastine helps fourth-grade skier Jamison Erickson-Ford start her skijor run with Chena. The fourth and fifth grade skiers enjoyed nice end of the season weather as they wrapped up the season.
By Keith Conger Nome’s student skiers took full advantage of the warm end of April temperatures as they concluded Nome Nordic’s 17th year of skiing. The program experienced an abundance of success...
OFF THEY GO – Riders accelerate off the line at the beginning of the race.
The Cannonball 150 snow machine race returned to Nome after a long hiatus and the weather cooperated by delivering an almost perfect day.There was plenty of snow thanks to the series of blizzards...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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