- What happened to you during the cold snap? - 25 votes - open
- How do you plan to spend Inauguration Day on January 20? - 50 votes - open
- The City Council decided last year to give $10,000 out of the NSEDC community share fund to the Iditarod Trail Committee. Do you approve of that? - 40 votes - open
- What is your New Year's Resolution? - 39 votes - open
- Does your Christmas season include traveling? - 33 votes - open
- Facing a $3.1 billion budget deficit, how should the state balance its budget? - 120 votes - open
- How did you spend Thanksgiving? - 16 votes - open
- What do you remember Nancy McGuire for the most? - 27 votes - open
- Do you believe president-elect Trump will be sensitive to Arctic issues and the threats a warming climate poses? - 86 votes - open
- Did you participate in early voting? - 23 votes - open
- Do the presidential candidates influence who you will vote for further down the ballot: Senate, Congress or State Legislators? - 32 votes - open
- Do you believe the elections are "rigged"? - 53 votes - open
- Do you plan to vote during the general elections on November 8? - 45 votes - open
- If the general elections were held today, who would you vote for President? - 96 votes - open
- Will you participate in the municipal elections on Oct. 4? - 13 votes - open