- Have you ever seen ice break off the shore at Nome in March? - 34 votes - open
- During the recent stormy weeks, how did you get to work or school? - 24 votes - open
- Given those never-ending storms do you think the Iditarod winner will finish... - 21 votes - open
- Do you think these back-to-back blizzards are climate-change related? - 58 votes - open
- What part of the Governor's proposed budget cuts concerns you most? - 41 votes - open
- Do you agree with the state's decision to farm out administrative leadership of Alaska Psychiatric Institute to an out-of-state for profit health care company? - 33 votes - open
- Do you agree with Gov. Dunleavy's $20 mio reduction in school funding? - 34 votes - open
- Do you think that Congress and President will find common ground to avoid another Govt Shutdown? - 33 votes - open
- Do you agree to change the Alaska State Bird from Ptarmigan to Raven? - 62 votes - open
- Whose fault is the current impasse over the government shutdown? - 99 votes - open
- Are you affected by the partial Government shutdown? - 19 votes - open
- What's your New Year resolution? - 53 votes - open
- Do you share Governor Dunleavy's view that "Alaska is America’s natural resource warehouse"? - 36 votes - open
- Where do you get your Christmas shopping done? - 21 votes - open
- What kind of Christmas tree will be decorating your house? - 42 votes - open