- Are you actively following the impeachment inquiry into President Trump? - 28 votes - open
- Did you cry due to financial worries recently? - 22 votes - open
- Are you ready for winter? - 22 votes - open
- What are your reasons for not attending city meetings? - 14 votes - open
- Are you planning to travel to the AFN convention in Fairbanks? - 17 votes - open
- In light of the recent whistleblower revelations, do you think President Trump should be removed from the office of president? - 50 votes - open
- Do you support the Youth Climate Strike demanding action on the climate crisis? - 30 votes - open
- Are you planning to vote in the upcoming municipal election? - 9 votes - open
- What is your favorite wild food? - 31 votes - open
- Who do you think should be the next city manager? - 20 votes - open
- Do you think the Governor's budget vetoes and subsequent partial restoration of funds was helpful to advance the conversation about balancing the budget? - 28 votes - open
- Are you going to participate in the first ever Nome Dog Fair next Saturday? - 14 votes - open
- Do you agree with the state's decision to move the court from its current location? - 23 votes - open
- Do you agree with the effort to recall Governor Dunleavy - 46 votes - open
- Special Counsel Robert Mueller III testified that Trump campaign's embrace of Russian interference in US elections may be the new norm. Does that concern you? - 56 votes - open