- The State Legislature hammers out the budget. What are your priorities that you think the State should fund? - 26 votes - open
- What is the most important quality you look for in a Chief of Police for Nome? - 49 votes - open
- Do you agree with Senators Sullivan and Murkowski that no witnesses were needed in the Trump impeachment trial? - 51 votes - open
- Are you following the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump? - 26 votes - open
- Would you have liked to know that the Corps of Engineers opened up a public comment period for comments on the expansion options of the Port of Nome? - 26 votes - open
- Do you worry about a potential armed conflict with Iran? - 38 votes - open
- What is your New Year's Resolution - 43 votes - open
- Who do you hope will win the Democratic Presidential candidate nomination? - 58 votes - open
- Do you agree with the two articles of impeachment against President Trump? - 69 votes - open
- Did you put your Christmas decorations up yet? - 22 votes - open
- Did the topic of impeachment come up for discussion at the Thanksgiving dinner table? - 30 votes - open
- How are you celebrating Thanksgiving Day? - 28 votes - open
- Are you following the televised hearings of the House impeachment proceedings against Pres. Trump? - 34 votes - open
- What are your thoughts on how to best control dust? - 31 votes - open
- Are you actively following the impeachment inquiry into President Trump? - 28 votes - open