- Do you think George Floyd's death is a watershed moment to bring about change in the nation's justice system? - 55 votes - open
- Do you agree with President Trump that states should "dominate" demonstrators taking to the streets to protest racial injustice? - 74 votes - open
- Do you think we've seen the worst of COVID-19 yet? - 77 votes - open
- Are you in favor of the state lifting travel restrictions to rural Alaska? - 83 votes - open
- Are you in favor of keeping emergency powers for Nome vested in the City Manager? - 7 votes - open
- Have you received your stimulus check? - 43 votes - open
- Did you have to file for unemployment due to the COVID-19 related business closures? - 17 votes - open
- Do you agree with the partial opening of the Alaskan economy? - 49 votes - open
- Has your business applied for the Coronavirus relief package? - 12 votes - open
- How is your work life influenced by covid-19 related closures? - 50 votes - open
- Are you worried about groceries and other supplies getting to Nome and the region? - 41 votes - open
- How do you cope with the measures taken to limit the COVID-19 spread - 21 votes - open
- What measures do you take to avoid possible COVID-19 infection? - 48 votes - open
- Did you stock up on toilet paper? - 37 votes - open
- What are you doing to protect yourself from the Coronavirus? - 26 votes - open