
THIS LAND IS OUR LAND— Bureau of Land Management Director Neil Kornze signs a patent transferring over one million acres of land to the corporations Kukulget, Inc. of Savoonga, and the Sivuqaq, Inc. of Gambell, during a ceremony with community leaders of St. Lawrence Island on July 27.
The federal Bureau of Land Management handed over permanent title to St. Lawrence Island to Alaska Natives last week. Neil Kornze, federal BLM director, traveled to the sixth-largest island in the...
During last week’s regular Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting, the upcoming operation Arctic Chinook dominated the discussion. As planning details emerged over the last months, it became...
PREPARATIONS— Div. of Elections Supervisor Angelique Horton, center, and her crew Monica Giang, Katie O’Connor and Alec Johnson on Friday, July 29 prepared bags with election materials for shipping.
While national headlines are filled with stories about the presidential candidates, the primary elections are rapidly approaching and Alaska State Division of Elections offices are buzzing with...
TEEMING WITH FISH— 430,000 pinks made it through the Nome River weir as of Monday, July 25.
The commercial summer red king crab fishery was scheduled to close at 6 a.m. Wednesday, July 20. However, nearly half of the fleet were unable to get out because of rough ocean conditions...
NOME MUNICIPAL CEMETERY— The city is in the process of reorganizing cemetery plot management and burial procedures.
A newly formed ad hoc cemetery committee met with the public in an open house format last week to invite input for a more organized and orderly future of the Nome Municipal Cemetery. “We need to...
The Port of Nome Commission met July 21 to consider how to spend remaining grant funds for further development. Out of a general obligation bond for $10 million provided to the port some years back...
The Nome Common Council has taken action to continue to rid the community of derelict structures. On a list of 52 structures, a resolution listed five candidates to be cleaned up or torn down. Thus...
CHAMPIONS FOR CHANGE— Esau Sinnok of Shishmaref (third from right) was honored with other champions of change at the White House on Friday, July 15.
Esau Sinnok of Shishmaref was one of ten people selected by the White House as a Champion of Change for Climate Equity. The program was created as an opportunity for the White House to honor...
GONE FISHING— Marie Trigg and her niece Kellie Williams filet their catch at the mouth of the Nome River, on July 12.
Norton Sound Crab The commercial summer red king crab fishery closed at 6 a.m. Wednesday, July 20. The previous weekend catches had slowed to a crawl with the crabbers unable to get to their gear...
HOUSING CRISIS— Nate Richmond with BlueLine Development, center next to Sue Steinacher and Mayor Richard Beneville, listened to Nome community leaders' discussion of the shortage of low-income rentals in town. He helped to brainstorm solutions during the meeting on July 18.
Representatives from the Nome Emergency Shelter Team, Norton Sound Regional Hospital, the City of Nome and several Alaska Native corporations met with Nate Richmond, President of Blueline Development...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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