
Nome City Hall
A measure that would bar all candidates who owe undisputed debts to the City of Nome from elected or appointed offices failed to gain approval at the Dec. 12 Nome Common Council meeting. When the...
WISH LIST— Santa made a guest appearance at the 20th Annual Christmas Extravaganza on Dec. 7, where Kaiya Theonnes offered valuable gift suggestions.
The Nome-Beltz band and choir, under the direction of Musical Director Ron Horner, kicked off the Christmas season with several musical performances. The centerpiece to their merrymaking occurred at...
The Arctic Council, presently headed by the United States, has produced the 240-page Arctic Resilience Assessment, ARA for short, a study of global implications of accelerated climate change in the...
50 YEARS— Chuck Fagerstrom was awarded with a golden bugle commemorative award for having served the Nome Volunteer Fire Department for half a century during last Saturday’s Firemen’s Carnival.
Hundreds of people from near and far streamed into the Nome Rec Center for the 2016 Firemen’s Carnival on Saturday night.   The main fundraiser for the Nome Volunteer Fire Department once again drew...
NO ICE— Norton Sound waters in front of Nome are still ice free on Monday, Nov. 28.
The National Snow and Ice Data Center reports that after a quick initial freeze-up during the second half of September, ice growth slowed substantially during early October.  “On October 20, 2016,...
The Alaska Judicial Council is scheduled to arrive in Nome next week to interview candidates for the open Superior Court Judge position in Nome. The Nome court had to rely on judges from other...
Senate and House representatives from the Nome area have powerful positions on legislative finance committees but their opportunities will be to protect rural Alaska from cuts rather than to bring...
Pastor Harvey Fiskeaux performed the ceremony, blessing the truck with words, water and oil.
A brand new fire truck complementing Nome Volunteer Fire Department’s fleet rolled off the last barge a month ago and was formally blessed on Saturday, November 19. Fire chief Jim West Jr. gathered...
Nancy made Nome home and to that end she wanted to make Nome a better place to live. From her volunteering to her award winning journalism, she always put Nome first.  Politicians from all over...
SHE LOVED KIDS— Nancy McGuire holds young Andy Lean while Mikey Lean tends to baby Reba.
In my first real job, I worked for Nancy in the summers as a photo editor and office assistant. One summer, when a big news story broke out, the Nugget turned into a flurry. She had informants all...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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