SNOW DUMP— City crews don’t have to move much snow these days, as evidenced by the empty, icy snow dump facility off Greg Kruschek Ave.
It’s the turn of the New Year and there’s barely any snow on the ground. Nome did not get a white Christmas this year. The tundra is brown instead of slumbering under a blanket of white snow.
ELL DONE— Wyatt Ahmasuk is the 2024 ASAA/First National Bank state champion in the 189 lbs division.
When Wyatt Ahmasuk was in elementary school, he watched his brother Oliver Hoogendorn wrestle for a championship win at states. His brother came second that year, but Ahmasuk was enthralled. He wanted to be as cool as his older brother.
BREEDING PAIR— A pair of rock ptarmigan pose in their rocky, alpine tundra habitat in early May during courtship. The male is in white courtship plumage, displaying his prominent red eye-combs. He keeps this plumage until his mate begins incubation and is no longer fertile. The female has already started transitioning into her summer camouflage. By the end of May she is brown, and able to sit unseen on her nest in the tundra.
For the last two years, ptarmigan have been plentiful on the Seward Peninsula.
GOODBYE— Interim City Manager Brooks Chandler leaves Nome on December 16, after his three-month tenure.
Three months has come and gone, and Interim City Manager Brooks Chandler is packing his bags to leave Nome, he hopes better than he found it.
CALL TO ORDER—Cole Cushman sits in front of a Lions International branded bell.
On a Thursday evening last week, a dozen people in bright yellow vests filed into the Fire Hall building on Bering Street.
SEA OF RED— Teachers, staff and community members wore red and sat in on the November 12 regular school board meeting in large numbers. The display was in support and solidarity for Nome Public School teachers who have been working for over two months without negotiated contracts. Rosa Wright was one of many who stood up during the public comment period to encourage the school board to increase teacher salaries to, at minimum, match the rate of inflation.
The Nome Public School Board met for its regular meeting last week, with an unusually large audience in attendance.
SNOW DUMP— City crews don’t have to move much snow these days, as evidenced by the empty, icy snow dump facility off Greg Kruschek Ave.
ELL DONE— Wyatt Ahmasuk is the 2024 ASAA/First National Bank state champion in the 189 lbs division.
BREEDING PAIR— A pair of rock ptarmigan pose in their rocky, alpine tundra habitat in early May during courtship. The male is in white courtship plumage, displaying his prominent red eye-combs. He keeps this plumage until his mate begins incubation and is no longer fertile. The female has already started transitioning into her summer camouflage. By the end of May she is brown, and able to sit unseen on her nest in the tundra.
GOODBYE— Interim City Manager Brooks Chandler leaves Nome on December 16, after his three-month tenure.
CALL TO ORDER—Cole Cushman sits in front of a Lions International branded bell.
SEA OF RED— Teachers, staff and community members wore red and sat in on the November 12 regular school board meeting in large numbers. The display was in support and solidarity for Nome Public School teachers who have been working for over two months without negotiated contracts. Rosa Wright was one of many who stood up during the public comment period to encourage the school board to increase teacher salaries to, at minimum, match the rate of inflation.
On Saturday morning, the Quintillion subsea fiberoptic cable broke, leaving Nome and many other western and northwestern Alaska communities without internet. The cable was reportedly severed by sea ice in the Beaufort Sea around the same location it...
CITY PLANNER— Erin Reinders presented an update on the new downtown zoning ordinance in a work session before the Nome Common Council meeting.  A public meeting that was supposed to take place last month was canceled due to lack of quorum of the Planning Commission. The meeting is rescheduled to take place at a later date.
In its first meeting this year, the Nome Common Council breezed through an varied agenda, full of issues to be tackled in the year ahead. While the City is still looking for a permanent City Manager —City Clerk Dan Grimmer is still filling the role...
POLAR BROTHERS–Pat and Bill Krier stand outside the Polar Building on a smoke break, January 10. The Brothers recently sold Polar Enterprises after 25 years of their family’s ownership but will be sticking around for a few months to execute a smooth transition.
It’s a new year, and, for Polar Enterprises, a new era. Though everything may have appeared business as usual to regulars, Sunday, January 5 marked the transfer of ownership to Mymy and Larry St. Clair from brothers Patrick “Pat” and William “Bill”...
DOWN TO THE WIRE— With 2.8 seconds left in the last game of the Subway Showdown tournament on Saturday, January 11,  and the teams neck and neck, Nome Nanook Levi Pederson shoots a penalty shot.
Bleachers were packed at the Subway Showdown in the den of the Nome Nanooks last weekend. The walls were covered in homemade posters welcoming the other teams, and one which recreated the Subway logo. The pep band played upbeat tunes on trumpets,...
HAPPY NEW YEAR— Nomeites watched the New Year’s Eve fireworks display in small groups spread across icy roads.
While the ball was dropping in Times Square, Nome welcomed in the New Year—or at least, waved goodbye to the old one—with fireworks. Cars filled up parking lots and roads between the small boat harbor and the Mini Convention Center, while...
On Monday, President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of 44 million acres of the Northern Bering Sea from federal oil and gas leasing. Using a section of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, Biden issued memoranda to withdraw portions of the...
SNOW DUMP— City crews don’t have to move much snow these days, as evidenced by the empty, icy snow dump facility off Greg Kruschek Ave.
It’s the turn of the New Year and there’s barely any snow on the ground. Nome did not get a white Christmas this year. The tundra is brown instead of slumbering under a blanket of white snow. The surrounding roads are ice-glazed and devoid of the...
ELL DONE— Wyatt Ahmasuk is the 2024 ASAA/First National Bank state champion in the 189 lbs division.
When Wyatt Ahmasuk was in elementary school, he watched his brother Oliver Hoogendorn wrestle for a championship win at states. His brother came second that year, but Ahmasuk was enthralled. He wanted to be as cool as his older brother. Now, as a...
ICE— Warm temperatures and rain on snow caused super slick roads, keeping students and workers home as schools and businesses were closed on Monday and Tuesday.
Nome’s business as usual came to a standstill last week as days of unusual warmth and rain had people reaching for their ice cleats as sidewalks and roads turned into slick ice. Keeping a car from sliding off the ice-glazed roads was a major feat....


Ann June Castel
Ann June Castel, 87, passed away peacefully on November 29, 2024 in her home in Nome, Alaska. She was born on June 14, 1937, in Wales, Alaska to Mary Sahanah Ootoazag and Phillip Nunooruk. Mom...


Nome Public Schools Board voted to approve an updated budget for fiscal year 2024/2025, and it is $352,624 more than anticipated.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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